Monday 20 Feb 2023

February 20: Genesis 4:6-10

Key Verse: Genesis 4:9
Then the Lord said to Cain, ‘Where is your brother Abel?’ ‘I don’t know,’ he replied. ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’

Can you think of an occasion where you got into trouble and the first things which came out of your mouth just didn’t make sense? When we are guilty of something and we try to cover things up, we get into more trouble and eventually make things worse for ourselves because we somehow think the truth is not going to get out. With God the truth is always going to come forward and He warns us of this.

All throughout the bible we see occasions where mankind has done some pretty stupid things because they think they can cover up the truth by telling a lie. The more the lies build up the taller the tower until it gets too tall and everything comes crumbling down in one big mess! The same can be said for most things in our lives and the more we try to get away with sin, the more we build up unsustainable towers which will eventually come crumbling down around us.

God wants us to own up to problems as soon as they are recognised. The quicker we can get to the truth and allow the truth to strengthen our positions, the better we will be off in the end. Yes there will be times when we have to face the consequences of our actions, but if we face up to them earlier, they may not be as big and bad as they can be if we continue to try and deceive instead of stating the truth!

Cain was given the chance to confess to what he had done out of greed and anger. Instead, he did the “very human thing” and told a lie to try and cover up his misdoings. The more he did this, the worse things got for him. There is nothing we can ever hide from God, so being honest and open with God from the beginning is always the best!

Points to Ponder:
Do you try to cover up your problems?

Will you try to allow the truth to come out?