Sunday 5 Mar 2023

March 5: John 3:5-8

Key Verse: John 3:8
The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.’

If there were three people standing next to each other and only one of them was a Christian, how could you tell the difference? If they are simply standing and not doing anything, then we may be hard-pressed to tell the difference, but when they start doing things and talking, we could probably start to make informed decisions based on how they were affecting the others or the people around them.

When the wind blows we do not see the wind blowing, but we do see the affects of that blowing wind: we see trees swaying, dirt flying and flags waving… We do not see the wind, we see the effects of the wind on everything around it. When Jesus was talking about being born again He was not talking about the physical aspect of it – I’m sure most of us would know we cannot get born a second time because we grow breathing and moving about…

Jesus was talking about the spiritual part of our lives, the part we don’t know we have until it is show to us. We cannot see this spiritual side of us, but, like the wind, we can see the affects it has on everything around us. Without the spirit how are we going to commune with God in Heaven because He does not have a human body in Heaven.

Jesus did not remain in spiritual form when He came to live amongst us – how would we have been able to see Him! He came in Human form to live amongst us so we could see the effects of His life on everyone around us. He came to demonstrate how we can do things in human form and what we can do to make sure we do join Him in Heaven in spiritual form after we leave our human bodies behind...

Points to Ponder:
Do you have any health issues?

Are you looking forward to having a perfect body in Heaven?