Friday 31 Mar 2023

March 31: Psalm 18:1-6

Key Verse: Psalm 18:6
In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.

I love reading the Psalms because of the connection I feel through the words of king David; and not it is not because we share the same name! Each of us have had to face things in our lives, some more terrible and feared than others, but still we have had to face things. This is not God tempting us or keeping us on track, this is the evil one working his own ways to try and keep us away from our God in Heaven!

The psalmist starts off by declaring his love to God and reminding us all God alone is the Rock upon which we can stand. I don’t know if you have ever stood in sinking sand but it is a feeling which you will probably not forget: the feeling of a slow impending doom as you literally feel like you are being sucked into the ground every time you move. You feel like there is nothing you can do for yourself, but someone standing close by can be your saviour.

Christ came to be our Saviour, to be the one who can stop the impending doom of the results of our sins in our lives. The more we sin, the more we seem to sink deeper into the evil ones territory. Quite simply standing still and waiting for God is the best you can do. You don’t have to stand quietly and do nothing. You can call out and plead with God – because He is listening!

As the psalmist puts it: “I called to the Lord… and He heard my voice!” This is what sets Him apart from everything else in this world. When we call, God listens and He will answer. If we need Him, He will come. We are more valued than the sparrows, the ones who are taken care of by God, the ones who fly freely in the air and feed on the seeds provided by God and drink the water provided by Him too.

Points to Ponder:
What do you do when there is trouble ahead?

Will you call out to Him and wait?