Saturday 22 Apr 2023

April 22: John 6:16-21

Key Verse: John 6:20
But he said to them, ‘It is I; don’t be afraid.’

How many times have you heard something or read something and wondered, what have I missed, shouldn’t there be something more to this that what I have just witnessed? Too many times in our lives we look for the extraordinary instead of seeming the beauty and majesty in the ordinary!

Yes this was extraordinary that Jesus was walking toward them on the water in the middle of a storm – which in itself raises all manner of questions in my mind… But I want to focus on the ordinary here and not the extraordinary. The disciples were in this boat after a long day, probably very tired and just wanted to get where they were headed. They didn’t think too much about the weather to begin with because they were used to all weather!

What they missed was having Jesus with them when they got scared. The moment when they realised all was not well, they felt most alone. They wanted their protector, their Saviour to be with them to make it all alright again. And at that moment Jesus appeared across the water walking toward them. He knew the right moment to come to them and He did not leave them alone!

It is in our lives when we feel most alone or the moments when we realise we have nobody by our sides that Jesus is standing there. It is the moments when we cannot see a way out. It is when we think this could be the end. Those are the moments when we can depend on Christ – because He promised to be here with us, always. It’s that moment when you are alone in the house, everything is quiet; but Jesus is still there!

Points to Ponder:
When do you feel most vulnerable?

Do you know Christ is still there?