Monday 24 Apr 2023

April 24: Psalm 126:1-6

Key Verse: Psalm 126:1
When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed.

Can you remember your dreams when you wake up? I can remember some but not others and its a varied mixture of good and bad dreams; but the dreams being talking about here are not dreams we have when we sleep, but the dreams and aspirations of people. When we think about the lives we could have if everything went right, those are our dreams and aspirations...

God looked after the people of Israel in many ways and restored them to the position of their dreams. They became a happy and content people who were living in a land of plenty just as God had promised. But it was not always so because they gave in to the temptations and walked away from living with God: How could He keep looking after them if they would not listen to them!

The same can be said about our modern lifestyles – as long as we are willing to listen to God and to obey Him, He can continue to give us all our needs and even spoil us with plenty things just like a parent would. But when we walk away from living wit God, then we make it more and more difficult for Him to help us. Yes, anything is possible for God, but why make it as difficult as possible!

When God can help us and spoil us, people notice and they want to know why we have what we have – the appearance of living in Hope, Joy and Peace is rather appealing to those who do not have it! God wants to reach out to everyone and we are the key to Him being able to reach out.

Points to Ponder:
What would you ideal lifestyle be?

How close would God be?