Thursday 4 May 2023

May 4: John 13:12-17

Key Verse: John 13:17
Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

One of the biggest problems we have in our societies is the class system we apply to life! We are always taught to try and reach higher in life and to become better; but many choices we make along the way to get better alienate us from others simply because we think we are somehow better than them. Yes we may well be better at doing our job, better at problem finding, better at communication or any other thing in life – but saying we are a better human being is not our choice to make!

God wants us to be able to talk to anyone from any walk in life. Jesus chose to meet with all manner of people during His ministry on earth. He chose to meet with people from all walks in life, all positions and all beliefs. He did not chose to only walk with those who believed in God, or followed the rules of the church, but everyone.

This display of washing of feet was to demonstrate to the disciples they should not place themselves above anyone just because of the position they hold in society or church. Every one of us is called a child of God – which means we need to treat each other as siblings and not as people from a different world!

It is sometimes hard to reach out to people whom you know are working against you and against God; but God is going to open doors for us to reach out to unexpected people in our lives so they too can have a different view of life than what they may be forced into enduring. The choices we make in our lives often govern what lifestyles are open to us which often exclude us from righteous connections and deeds. We need to be willing to be open to what God has in store instead of what we think we should have!

Points to Ponder:
Do you limit your social meetings to people you think are good?

Will you try listening to God?