Thursday 18 May 2023

May 18: Luke 24:44-53

Key Verse: Luke 24:52
Then they worshipped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.

Today we celebrate the ascension of Jesus! As much as He had taught the disciples about what would happen to Him, how He would die, be buried, rise again and ascend into Heaven, I think this would have been the moment when it all started to make sense to the disciples! As much as we read about what Christ has done for us and what our future holds with Him, we too have to get over our doubts and listen to what Jesus is saying to each one of us!

All this has happened because of God’s great love toward all of us and when we get our heads around this, around the human limitations and look at the possibilities which are before us, then we too will be able to continue celebrating and worshipping Christ all the time.

We come together on our appointed days to worship Christ together in our churches and we feel refreshed and ready to face the world again. How long that refreshed feeling lasts will be entirely on how much you continue to trust Christ outside of your church meetings!

Just because Jesus is in Heaven does not mean we are not in touch with Him or He not in touch with us. We have the Holy Spirit who is ever present who has taken on the task of continuing to teach us and allow our minds to be opened just as the disciples minds were on this day many years ago. What I love about our local church is how people always spend time after our services to talk and be with each other – that goes a long way to building us up to be ready for the week ahead!

Points to Ponder:
How much time do you spend worshipping Christ?

How much time do you spend being a disciple?