Tuesday 20 Jun 2023

June 20: 2 Corinthians 8:1-9

Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 8:8
I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others.

Do you ever wonder why people think of you the way they do? Have you ever asked yourself why someone thinks ill or good of you? It’s because people compare what you say and do with what others say and do! Each of us are prone to think differently of others than the person next to you because of our life differences and experiences; the more you get to experience life with others the more you get to know about people.

This can go well for someone who is introduced to another person who has only ever been exposed to good people because the other person may well think all people are alike and good. This can also go the wrong way for anyone being introduced to someone who has always been around bad people – their first assumption may well be everyone is bad including you!

When we get introduced to Christ and can see there is a very different way of life which is available to all, we should be more than willing to go out there and share the good news with everyone to allow them to see there is this good way of living! This is what happened to the apostle when he went to Macedonia where they embraced the gospel and immediately wanted to share it with everyone!

Don’t be confined by what you think you know of the world. Don’t be limited by what you can think of or by what you have experienced. Read your bible and see how much there is out there in the world and go and experience it yourself with God!

Points to Ponder:
Are you biased by you own life?

Will you embrace the gospel way?