June 26: Genesis 12:1-9
Key Verse: Genesis 12:4
So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Harran.
I wonder, how many times have you obeyed the wishes of someone you know, not because what they are asking makes sense, but because they are your friend and you trust them… When we do have faith and trust in someone else we go the extra mile and do things which do not always make sense at the time but we see the value after the event.
I know I have done some things for friends which I kept quiet about because others around me, including family, would have baulked at the idea of me doing what I was doing but I knew that was the right thing to do. It has even got me in trouble with the church I was attending at the time. The right thing to do is to always listen to what God is asking you to do and not to be swayed by what others say or by your personal preferences!
Yes, it is hard to listen to God and obey Him at times. He may well ask you to do something which just does not seem to make sense at the time. Abram was being asked to go and do things at the age of 75! The journey he was embarking on must have taken a bit of planning because he took all his possessions, his wife and his nephew. It would not have been as simply as getting everything into a big truck and driving off in the sunset – this would have been a train of animals helpers and all sorts!
But he obeyed God. It did not make sense they would have children at that age, but he obeyed. He went into the land occupied by the Canaanites and set up an altar to God before continuing on where God was guiding him. We have so much written down in our bibles where we can see that listening to God is a good idea, but still be hesitate when He asks us something, either because we cannot believe it, or because we don’t like the way it fits into our lives!
Points to Ponder:
Is God asking you to do something?
Are you going to set aside your pride and follow God’s request?
Monday 26 Jun 2023
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