Thursday 29 Jun 2023

June 29: Psalm 125:1-5

Key Verse: Psalm 125:3
The sceptre of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous, for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil.

One of the things I learned through my relationship with Christ is we will always be able to rely on God no matter what is going on in our lives. No matter what is going on in the world around us, God never changes! So why do people complain about God not helping them at times?

The psalmist gives us a clue here, one which we do not often think about and one which is easy to miss! Bad people seem to get the upper hand at times and they disrupt all sorts of things in our lives. When this happens our focus goes from relying on God to the world around us and all the things which are going wrong. This is the time when the evil one steps up and makes bad things available to us – the temptation to pick up those bad things and use them for ourselves is great, but doing so will take us away from God.

Here we are reminded this evil and the bad people and their things they carry and do will not last forever. Yes it seems like they will at times, but God has got things; we have to learn to trust Him more and to not give in to the things of the world around us. This seems to be the lessons this psalmist learned before writing these words for us to learn from.

When the time comes Christ is going to make sure we are safe with Him in Heaven; not so for the people who have gone after evil and have sought peril for those around them. These are the same people who will be left behind and have to content with the ways of the evil one instead of the ways of God in Heaven!

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel hard done by?

Are you giving God time to work in your life?