July 6: Genesis 22:9-14
Key Verse: Genesis 22:12
‘Do not lay a hand on the boy,’ he said. ‘Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.’
How far are you willing to go for God? So many of us fall short of the mark when it comes to doing what God wants us to do… and I have been in that boat too so we are all in good company! These verses remind us God is always looking after us and we need to be able to trust Him no matter what happens in our lives. I learned while in hospital God is in control even when it seems like the world around you is crashing and burning!
It is hard to convince someone to allow God full control in their lives when all they can see is bad things happening if they let go and give God control; but God really does have our backs! I know in the past when I have given control to God He has never let me down even when those around me have given up hope and think the end has come…
Does this make me immune from worrying about things and always giving God control? No, unfortunately I still have doubts and I still try to control things my way at times. That is just the way we are and the way the evil one tries to get into our heads in the hopes we will reject God. No matter how many doubts you have and how much you want to have full control in your life, God really does know what is best!
I cannot even imagine what was going through Abraham's mind at the time of this even, and even what may have gone through Isaac’s mind too… But, despite the doubts and fears, Abraham trusted God because God had already delivered on His promises. Sometimes it is the first step which is the hardest and everything else seems to be ok – but taking that first step takes a lot of faith and courage!
Points to Ponder:
Do you have the courage to give God control?
Will you be able to trust Him ever time?
Thursday 6 Jul 2023
Hits: 173