Thursday 13 Jul 2023

July 13: Matthew 10:7-14

Key Verse: Matthew 10:8
Heal those who are ill, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

When Jesus sent out the disciples to spread the Gospel, it was not as a modern-day sales team or organisation which would be self sustaining group to conquer the world… He sent them out saying they should not have to take anything with them or have to provide for themselves because the people who were willing to hear the gospel would be the people who would sustain them because they would recognise the benefit of what they were learning!

Sadly many people take this as being a ‘free lunch’ ticket where they will be able to earn money just by doing things for the church! Jesus would warn the disciples they would not be well off in earthly terms and many people would hate and persecute them because they were different. Being an active Christian is not the easiest task but I do find it the most rewarding thing in the world!

Initially Jesus sent the disciples to go to the people of Israel because they were in immediate need, they had wandered away from God and needed to come back to the real meaning of being in a relationship with God instead of the rules and regulation which were being imposed upon them by the Pharisees and the Scribes. Jesus wanted His people to know the truth so they would be able to share it with the world.

Our task really is to reach those people around us with the gospel, not making money out of teaching them things, but simply giving them the good news so they can know the true benefit of knowing Christ. The news is so good in fact anyone would be willing to share what they have so they can hear and experience that good news. This is the Gospel of Christ!

Points to Ponder:
Are you waiting for a business model before you start work?

Will you simply share the gospel and allow God to work out the details?