Tuesday 18 Jul 2023

July 18: Exodus 2:1-10

Key Verse: Exodus 2:6
She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. ‘This is one of the Hebrew babies,’ she said.

What do you do when you are faced with an impossible situation? Do you give up and accept what is going to happen or do you call out to God who can do anything? This is a side of Christians which people try to attack us with saying we do not face up to dangers and so call on an invisible God so we don’t have to face the consequences...

Let’s get something straight from the start – God does not say we will not have to endure consequences just because we are Christians or because we call out to Him. He does not say we are going to be protected from everything just because we call out to Him; but He does say He will hear every prayer and answer them.

In this story we see the plight of the Levite family who gave birth to a boy at a time when all baby boys were being killed by the Egyptians, a seemingly impossible situation. The family called out for God and placed their son’s life in His hands. The Pharaoh’s daughter saw the baby and had compassion on him had him weaned and brought to her to raise as her own son. This is how God made sure a man would be able to bring the Hebrews out of the grasp of the Egyptians. God was answering many prayers in the best way forward.

We do not have to give in to the world and accept whatever it throws at us, we are allowed to call out to God and ask for help in whatever situation we find ourselves in. But if we ask God to do things in spite or pride, we maybe should not expect Him to answer as we think He should. God is always going to be just and answer in a way which glorifies Him and is best for our lives with Him; keep that in mind and keep on asking!

Points to Ponder:
Do you give up on prayer because it seems too hard?

Will you trust God to answer in the best way?