Thursday 20 Jul 2023

July 20: Matthew 11:28-30

Key Verse: Matthew 11:28
Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

When was the last time you just wanted to stop and talk with someone and offload the troubles you are having in your life? Did you manage to find someone who was willing to listen and how did you feel after you had talked? There are many times when we need to express ourselves, not to spread gossip or to tell lies, but to undo the pent up frustration and ill feelings we harbour when we try not to burden others with our worries!

God knows we need to talk and He is always willing and able to listen to whatever you have to say to Him. If you want to complain about things, bring it to The Lord. If you want to vent your frustrations over what is happening, or what is not happening, bring it to God. If you need to shout, bring it to God!

When we bring our worries and troubles to other people, they then shoulder some of that burden – and we don’t like doing that to others! They then may have to take those worries to others and so the chain continues. We may end up with a lot of people with a small amount of worry, but that may play more on our minds than the original worry to begin with! No so with God because He is more than capable to consume our worries without passing them on to anyone else!

We need to stop worrying about our worries and simply hand them over to God knowing He will work out a way forward for us. We have to stop and listen to what he has to say to us because we may have to do things in order for Him to help us; if we are not willing to listen to instruction, we may end up not having our worries taken care of...

Points to Ponder:
Do you worry about your worries?

Will you try to offload them to God and listen for answers?