Wednesday 2 Aug 2023

August 2: Matthew 13:44-46

Key Verse: Matthew 13:44
‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

Who doesn’t want more of a good thing when they get introduced to it! We only have to look at our modern world to see how things like this can go terribly wrong when the human perception of a ‘good thing’ is taken into account. Too many things in life are touted as being good when they work against everything we need in life. One of the biggest things I always look back on is the wide spread introduction of smoking as being in some way good!

We can look throughout history and see many things like this where we jumped on board some new thing or habit only to find out years down the line it was doing us more harm than anything. This can be seen as a weakness in life or it can be viewed as something which binds us humans together. Some will use this to scam others whilst others will band together as make it something to bind us together.

Whatever way we look at it, the truth always makes it to the surface after time passes. Those things we find out are bad get recognised as such and laws come in to protect others from them. Those things which prove to be good stay and gain recognition. Then there are the early adopters who risk everything to choose whether it will be good or bad and have to live with their choices.

The truth about God and His love for us has stood the test of time and continues to prove it is good and righteous; though many still doubt it because they may have been burned by bad choices in the past. But once you recognise everything which is good about God, you don’t want to let it go; instead, making choices to make Him a bigger part of your life!

Points to Ponder:
How important is God in your life?

Are you choosing earthly things over God?