Wednesday 9 Aug 2023

August 9: Matthew 15:21-28

Key Verse: Matthew 15:28
Then Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.’ And her daughter was healed at that moment.

One of the things I used to struggle with when growing up is knowing that I did bad things which I hid from others, and wondering how God would handle such things. Then when I was in high school a senior took time to explain the gospel and the mercy and forgiveness which comes through Christ. He also explained how I would need to lift up those mistakes to God and be willing to face the consequences should God deem it necessary. What excites me throughout my life is God has seen me as innocent because of what Christ did on the cross for each one of us!

This woman coming to Jesus knew He was here walking and talking with the Jews and knew, as a Canaanite woman, she was looked at as an outsider in Israel. Jesus questioned her to find out whether she was really a believer or whether she was putting it on. I guess even in those days there were people who came with sob stories which were not true just to get some reward!

Jesus did not look at her as an outsider in her faith, He accepted her for what and who she was because of her belief in God. Once that was certain He had no issue with blessing her with the same gusto as He would if it were a Jewish person. That is the excitement I feel. I know I have done things, I know Christ knows what I have done, I have admitted those things to Him and to others, and I know He forgives me just as He looked upon this outsider with grace and mercy!

If you truly believe in Christ and turn away from the things you have done, you will see this grace and mercy in action in your own life. Allow Christ to guide you out of the minefield and into the pasture where you can rest in safety with your Shepherd!

Points to Ponder:
Do you have issues you carry around with you?

Will you allow Christ to handle them?