Tuesday 15 Aug 2023

August 15: Isaiah 61:10-11

Key Verse: Isaiah 61:10
I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

I wonder, when was the time you have felt most handsome or beautiful? Perhaps it was on your wedding day or a special anniversary… Maybe you did not feel it but everyone around you was telling you your were! There are times when we feel on top of the world and times when we don’t because of the weight of the world, our health or even finances constricting us. But, no matter how we feel physically or mentally, we can stand proud knowing that spiritually we are perceived as a delight to the Lord when we place our faith and trust in Him!

When we can say we delight in the Lord no matter what the world is throwing at us, we can know He looks upon us as a groom looking at his bride on the day of the wedding. Because Jesus has taken away all our sins and presents us as perfect before our Father in Heaven, we are that special bride!

God is the one who is looking out for us and He is the one who will make sure we do have what it takes to complete our journey with Him. The world may be giving us grief, but with our hearts firmly set on Christ, we are special and unique in God’s eyes – someone to be proud of; and He is!

We see all manner of things going wrong in the world around us because of the way people have treated the world. We see wars and infighting everywhere because of the way people do not love their neighbours. If we want to see the beautiful bride just as God see us, then we have to make a difference by obeying His command – by being good stewards of the world around us and loving our neighbours just as He asked us from the beginning. Then we will be at that wedding feast with all the beauty and pageant!

Points to Ponder:
How are you feeling right now?

Do you know how fondly God is looking at you?