Tuesday 22 Aug 2023

August 22: Matthew 19:23-26

Key Verse: Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’

There is much debate at to what the significance of the camel and the eye of the needle refer to in this passage, needless to say it is seemingly impossible for the task to be done whether it is referring to an actual camel or an actual needle… Jesus was making a point which would stop and make the disciples think! There is nothing like an impossible task being set for you which will make you stop and think!

What Jesus wanted to do was to change the disciples’ minds about what God can do. They knew the scriptures and knew the stories of their ancestors’ journey through the desert after being freed from slavery. They knew the stories of how God did miracles and they were beginning to see how Jesus did miracles in front of them. So what was different about this time?

Jesus was introducing them to the idea something miraculous would have to be done in order for them to be able to join Him in Heaven after they had lived their lives. The path for what had to be done was already laid out and Jesus was walking that path already – the impossible had already begun and they would have to understand the steps to be taken so they could pass on this good news to everyone else.

Do not fret you are asking God to do things which you cannot do. Do not concern yourself how it can physically be accomplished. Just know you are asking God for something He has already promised can be done simply because you are asking it in the name of Jesus Christ who has taken away all your sins already!

Points to Ponder:
Do you get worried God will not do something for you?

Have you asked Him lately?