Friday 1 Sep 2023

September 1: 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 4:7
For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.

The letters to the various churches written by the apostle and brave and typically forward words where the writer expresses what they understand to be the guidance God is giving them through him. This is what being a disciple is all about and something each of us should be aiming to do every day just as the apostle is encouraging the church of Thessalonica.

We have this choice as to whether we wish to live like the world or to live like you want to be with Christ. This is a bit more difficult that what it first seems because we are surrounded by people trying to encourage us to live the way they wants us to or expect us to; not all of them are doing so because of God! The instructions God has given us through our bibles are not so difficult to follow…

The apostle writes to encourage the people to be more like Christ in how they live. They are acknowledged as living in a good manner but there is always room for improvement. Christ lived a life which stood out during His ministry on earth. We are encouraged to stand out more like this!

God is Holy. This means He cannot and will not accept sin in any form. This makes it difficult for us sometimes because we are sinners in nature and we are tempted to do so many things by the world around us. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice so we can be presented to God as being innocent – but that does not give us the right to do anything we like; that would be an affront to Christ...

Points to Ponder:
Do you try to live a good life?

How many things can you do better at?