Saturday 16 Sep 2023

September 16: Luke 6:46-49

Key Verse: Luke 6:46
Why do you call me, “Lord, Lord,” and do not do what I say?

How many people do you know of who go to church at the weekend and then behave like anybody else during the week, or even as soon as they step out the doors of the church? Unfortunately there will always be people who say they are Christians and even behave like Christians in front of others but who do not really believe in what Jesus has done for them; we have known this throughout history.

As Christians we should be listening to Christ and obeying what He asks of us. Whilst it is not always easy to hear what Christ wants from us because of the noise of the world around us, we should still try to do what the Bible teaches us. People all throughout the world are taught to do things for work purposes and are expected to continue doing those things in the right manner for work.

Why do we expect anything different from God. He has given us so much and continues to show us the many ways through which we can get to know Him, but unless we do those things we are nothing different from the rest of the world. Belief has to be shown in order for it to be believed itself.

When Jesus came to live amongst mankind He showed us through example how we should live and how we should always lift up the name of God. He depended on God and He listened to Him obeying whatever God asked of Him. This is how we should try to live because through a life led like that we can show others the true hope and strength we have in Christ!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you act like a Christians?

How often are you living as a true Christian?