Wednesday 20 Sep 2023

September 20: Luke 7:31-35

Key Verse: Luke 7:35
But wisdom is proved right by all her children.

I do like the way Jesus would use all the little things He saw around Him to show people how God can be seen through everything in life. He took the example of the children in the market where they would argue with each other for the silliest of things just because they wanted some attention or didn’t know how to complain about being bored!

Jesus then turned this on the people and showed them how their arguments were equally as childish as the children in the market. First they would complain about John having a demon when he was not doing anything wrong and kept himself separated from the people in town. Then they would complain about Jesus eating, drinking and mixing with sinners.

But what they were missing is that the truth always comes out. With children arguing over inane things, the truth comes out and they go about their day a bit disgruntled but wiser for learning. With the people finding fault in everything; gossip spreads the fastest and ruins lives quicker than any truth builds up people. Again, the truth comes out in the end and people should admit their mistakes.

Our problem is we don’t like to admit to mistakes so we continue trying to place the blame on anyone around us with those closest to us getting the brunt of the arguments. God wants us to love each other past the gossip and past the arguments, focusing on the truth and allowing the truth to win before it gets rough for everyone!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you spread a bit of harmless gossip?

How often have you been hurt by gossip?