Saturday 30 Sep 2023

September 30: Jeremiah 31:10-13

Key Verse: Jeremiah 31:11
For the Lord will deliver Jacob and redeem them from the hand of those stronger than they.

God’s plan for us all is not written down in books so we can be ready for everything which comes our way, but He does know what our destinies are. He continues to place the right people at the right places at the right times so others can get to know Him and to reach for a life in Heaven with Him. When we look back in our lives and in the lives of the people around us we will see just how much God is doing behind the scenes to try and make our lives better. That is how much he loves us!

We may be very surprised by some of the things which God has planned in our lives and we may question how some of those things could have anything to do with Him and His love for us; but God is always there watching out for us.

Sometimes the evil one does get his way because not everyone will listen to God. Sometimes terrible things seem to happen in our lives and we wonder why God is allowing them to happen. It is not God’s doing all the time! God has given us free choice in our lives and sometimes we, and the people around us, make the wrong choice. When that happen we may well have to suffer the consequences of our choices.

It is not God controlling everything otherwise that would make us puppets and Him the puppeteer. God wants us to be safe and secure, filled with the Spirit and enjoying all the love and grace He tries to push our way.

Points to Ponder:
Do you find joy living with Christ?

Will you allow Him to guide you more?