Wednesday 4 Oct 2023

October 4: Luke 9:57-62

Key Verse: Luke 9:62
Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’

During Jesus’ ministry on earth, I wonder how many people said they would follow Jesus and ended up being caught up in life instead of doing the will of God? Luke records a few of the types of people who would say they would follow Jesus but ended up focusing on their earthly problems instead of following what they had just said to Jesus.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have my own earthly issues and problems which I have to deal with all the time, and I know I have not always said yes to Jesus. So when I read verses like this it reminds me of my own shortcomings and makes me want to try harder to please God. The way I try to look at things nowadays is to ask God for guidance when my earthly issues are getting in the way. One way or another His answer gets through to me!

We get side-tracked with things happening around us and especially in our families. God does not want us to turn our backs on our families, but He also does not want us to turn our backs on Him. Inviting Him to join us in our earthly journey gives us the chance to do both!

Our journey with Christ is not going to be straight forward and not going to be easy all the time; but living with Christ in the centre of your life allows you to face more with His strength and to find answers to life’s issues faster. When I look back and see what I have been through, the hurdles I have faced and the things which God has done for me, I know He is not finished with me yet!

Points to Ponder:
Do you make excuses before following Christ?

Will you ask Him to be with you in your problems?