Friday 6 Oct 2023

October 6: John 9:20-24

Key Verse: John 9:23
That was why his parents said, ‘He is of age; ask him.’

One of the things I strive to do is to recognise Christians who disagree with institutional ‘churches.’ Jesus tried to teach us believing in Him is what is required and yet some institution which call themselves ‘churches’ will do what they can to force people to do things because they say that is what God requires. Jesus taught the disciples well and they went out to teach others the truth; and yet some people will just not accept the truth.

There may be many reasons why they do not want to accept the truth and I am not qualified to say why they don’t accept the truth. The only thing we can do is to continue learning from the Holy Spirit as we read the scriptures and draw closer to God through the truth and through faith in Him.

I have met people who’s faith has astounded me and yet they continue to support their local church even if the local church has issues with some of the scriptures. These people stand firm on the Word of God and continue to try and show the people around them a love which comes from Christ through them.

If we can continue to show people the truth in the scriptures without alienating our local churches, we would see a revival which would come from deep within people instead of being seen as the latest fad or something which would help promote themselves.

Points to Ponder:
Do you look for what you can get out of a local church?

Or do you look for what you can do in a local church?