Wednesday 11 Oct 2023

October 11: Luke 11:1-4

Key Verse: Luke 11:3
Give us each day our daily bread.

One of the things the disciples were worried about is how to pray because they could see how God would always answer the prayers of Jesus and how often Jesus would go off to pay too. When they asked Him how they should be praying, His answer was surprisingly simple.

God does not need a big speech about how things have been done and what we think should be done in the world. God simply wants to hear your personal communion with Him. This means a simple two way meaningful conversation with God, starting off with acknowledging Him as our One True God just as Jesus did in every prayer. Then asking for wisdom in whatever form He chooses to give to us.

I have been writing these devotions for over two decades and I continue to get more out of the Bible each time I site down and study for what comes next. Sometimes I miss a day or two, or even weeks when in hospital, but as soon as I remember and am able I sit down to be with God. The more I do this the closer I get to Him and the more I understand what I have to do for Him.

Mine is not to shout and sing because I don’t have the voice, but mine is to be still and listen to Him before sharing what I learn each day. As simple as that sounds, it is, and I share it with you all.

Points to Ponder:
Do you get worried about how you should pray?

Will you sit down with God and try to have a conversation?