Wednesday 18 Oct 2023

October 18: Isaiah 35:3-6

Key Verse: Isaiah 35:4
say to those with fearful hearts, ‘Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.’

How many times have you been asked for something from someone who doesn’t really mean it? We do this all the time to friends and the people around us, so when we do really mean it sometimes we don’t get the answer we expect. If we are doing this with the people around us, then what are we doing with our relationship with God!

God wants us to be in a good relationship with Him and that means being committed to it and to Him. This does not mean normal and personal life should ever get in the way because any good relationship has space for other issues and other relationships. God know this and He encourages us to take Him with us into every relationship in our lives.

When we do begin to see how much we get out of a good relationship with Him, we begin to see how we can help others by showing them this communion we have with God. When the Bible talks about fearing God, it is not talking about trembling with fear because God is watching you… it is talking about having the uttermost respect for Him because He is willing and able to do anything in your life. If you are willing to take Him with you wherever you go and whatever you are doing, then He will be with you and He will show you the benefits of this communion with Him.

I have learned, especially over the last couple of decades, He is walking with me wherever I go and supporting me in so many ways and through so many people too. He makes sure I have the right people around me to get things done which will help me to glorify Him,

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel at wits end sometimes?

Will you take God with you, even to your wits end?