Tuesday 7 Nov 2023

November 7: Romans 12:14-16

Key Verse: Romans 12:15
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.

As a youngster I can remember lashing out at people who did things against me and then feeling bad for doing so afterward. At the time of lashing out I was probably too caught up in anger and did not think of what I was doing to the other person. In the last decade I have found myself in positions where people have done bad things toward me and I have had to take time to think about how I should act; I am glad I have taken the time to think and not lash out as I would have done when I was younger!

Those times may have been testing but being able to think of a calm solution and a way forward which involved positive actions and not negative actions has led to me being able to find ways out of the situations. Asking God for help and listening to Him for answers has proved even more valuable!

It is little wonder then Jesus is telling us to use love instead of hate, to think of others instead of ourselves and to honour those around us even when they seem to hate us. When He says we should bless and not persecute, and bless instead of cursing it is to try to diffuse the situations and to allow others to think of a more positive and loving ways forward.

The key is not to think ourselves as being above anyone else but to honour others no matter how bad the situation seems to be. Doing so will make them think again about the way they are acting and allow them room to show love as well.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you act out of spite?

How often do you act out of love?