Monday 13 Nov 2023

November 13: Habakkuk 3:17-19

Key Verse: Habakkuk 3:19
God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, and makes me tread upon the heights.

One of the hardest things to understand in life is rejection or not having things go as expected in life. I’m sure we can all pick a time in our lives when things have all seemed to go against our expectations or against our wishes; especially when you have pleaded with God to allow things to go a certain way! This seems to compound our disappointment!

I don’t often get to read all the books of the minor prophets in the bible, but when I do I seem to be able to relate to what they talk about and how my life seems to unravel or play out! We are not all great and strong leaders like David or Solomon or the disciples and so we should not expect our lives to live out as if we were.

God has planned a life for each of us as unique individuals; each of those plans are going to differ from our neighbours and from our friends lives. Our church leaders may be trying to teach us of a life with which we cannot fully relate because we are very different than they are; so these words should be taken to heart by each one of us!

Not everything we do will be a success. Not everything will go according to plan. Sometimes it may seem like we have done this all for nothing this time round! What we must aim to do is to always rejoice in Christ and to exult God no matter what happens in our lives. Yes it is hard. Yes it may seem pointless sometimes. But when we see why He has chosen our path in life we will soar like eagles!

Points to Ponder:
Do you get down when things don’t go your way?

How many times have you listened to God’s replies to prayers?