Friday 1 Dec 2023

December 1: Psalm 139:13-18

Key Verse: Psalm 139:13
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

How often do you look at the biology of the human form? I was never any good at biology because I could not remember all the names of the parts of the body and how they worked together; I could remember some parts of various others things like plants, but human anatomy just went over my head. I can, however, get my head round most engineering things, mathematics and technical drawings…

So when it comes to the bible talking about how God knows everything about me, I look at it as an engineering problem instead; even then the logistics of how we exist in this work are far beyond my computational thinking! So going through these verses makes me think of a designer who has thought long and hard about the design to make it the best possible knowing all the pitfalls and problems it is going to face for years to come.

So many things in our lives don’t seem to be designed to last. Instead people seem to design for a limited lifespan so they can make things obsolete and not have to worry about them in the future. Not what God has done! God has made us to live forever with Him, having a spell down on earth while we make the choices we need to make first.

God was there, doing things, planning and waiting patiently until you finally came together inside your mother’s womb and started the greatest journey on earth in preparation for the greatest life in eternity with Him and all who believe in what He has done for us all!

Points to Ponder:
Do you know when you started life on earth?

Are you ready for when your life will end on earth?