December 7: Matthew 7:24-27
Key Verse: Matthew 7:26
But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
Whenever I read these verses I remember the song we used to sing as small children for Sunday school. I wish I could also say I knew what the words meant back then but all I can remember is those words being used for telling children to be good instead. Jesus not only did miracles and cured people of their ailments but He taught a lot as well.
Some people could listen to Him in the temples and understand what He was telling them. Others in the market places would have to have the words explained in more simple terms because they had not had the luxury of being able to learn the scriptures in the same manner as those who were always in the temples or being taught by the teachers of the law.
This story puts things in a very simple way and it is not to do with being good. It has everything to do with listening to God, the scriptures and doing what it says. In other words it is not good enough to just be good; Jesus wants us to live out the scriptures in our lives.
He also laid it down plainly how we should behave so nobody would get confused about how to act as Christians. The root of it all is to love God and to love everyone just as much as we love God. If we love God and others, then doing good things for those who need it is second nature to us. We should not have to go out of our way to be good!
Points to Ponder:
How many of God’s lessons do you apply to your own life?
Will you try to love others as much as you can?