Wednesday 13 Dec 2023

December 13: Isaiah 40:25-31

Key Verse: Isaiah 40:30
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;

As I grow older I start to feel the limits of my body more and begin to realise I am now part of the ‘old people’ clan! But my mind continues to thrive on all things and keeps me thinking I am younger than I am. As a youngster I used to think I was able to do so much, and compared to now, it was a whole lot more, but I don’t complain because I know the Lord has much more for me to do yet.

As a young man I did not see much of the beauty of the world around me, instead I looked for more things to do and explore. Now I tend to see much more of the awesome world around us and see just how much love God has put into creating this amazing world we live in. As humans continue to expand their knowledge of the universe I realise there is a lot more to things than just my little corner of the world.

We see scientists and explorers expanding the ‘known universe’ and humans doing things faster, better and smarter in all walks of life; except for those who just don’t seem to grasp what it is all about! Even then we seem to reach limits and records which stand for a long time, waiting for someone to come along and change things up once again. But if we continue to hope in the Lord we will continue to see things expand and improve because we know we can gain strength and wisdom from God: that is when we get to soar!

Points to Ponder:
Is there something you are trying to get better at?

Will you take God with you and praise Him when you achieve the next step?