Monday 18 Dec 2023

December 18: Matthew 1:18-24

Key Verse: Matthew 1:24
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.

Sometimes God may ask you to do something which you will not be proud of or something which may make others look down on you… These things can be difficult to take on board when we are not fully trusting in God for everything in our lives. Joseph had no problems with following what God was asking of Him even though it would mean many people may turn their backs on him for taking on a wife who was already pregnant.

God is not going to ask things of us which we cannot do; sometimes they may seem like that, but with Him walking wit us we should be able to do anything! We may not understand fully what God is up to when He asks us to do something, but we can be sure it is the right thing. When God asked me to come back to the village I live in now it was a difficult decision because I had just started to get fully involved with the people where I was living at the time.

Three years on and I am still working toward what God was asking me to do. It has been a struggle and I have met more than my fair share of people who seem to want to disrupt things. I also landed up back in hospital, but I knew God put me here so went with the flow. As it turned out the surgeon looking after me went the extra mile and performed a life saving operation on me.

Trusting God does not always seem like the logical thing to do, but you can rest assured it is the right things to do. He will take care of things when you fully rely on Him!

Points to Ponder:
How far are you willing to trust God?

Will you take that extra step if He asks?