Saturday 13 Jan 2024

January 13: 1 Samuel 9:15-20

Key Verse: 1 Samuel 9:17
When Samuel caught sight of Saul, the Lord said to him, ‘This is the man I spoke to you about; he will govern my people.’

One of the things I love reading about is the things we talk about as being fate or coincidences! Here is a man called Saul who has been sent out to look for his father’s donkeys and had travelled a fair way. He was now on a quest to find the seer who would hopefully be able to tell him where the donkeys had gone off to. Instead, God had planned something quite different for Saul.

Now Saul was a handsome man and very tall too so he would not be mistaken amongst a crowd of people. God chose Saul because of his qualities and because he stood out amongst men. But God also knew what Saul would be like in the end; though in the beginning he would be everything the people had asked for.

You see, God listen to the cry of his people. He listens when we call out to Him and hears every prayer. He wants to be able to answer every prayer, but sometime we are so caught up in life we forget what is going to be best for us. In these cases God does answer our prayers but will be standing by in case we forget about what we should be doing too!

God doesn’t want us to just accept the answered prayers and move on to new thing. He wants us to acknowledge the answered prayers and share them with other to encourage everyone. We are all in one church and we need to support each other because we are all God’s children!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you pray for things?

How often do you praise God for answered prayers?