Friday 2 Feb 2024

Feb 2: Mark 6:21-29

Key Verse: Mark 6:23
And he promised her with an oath, ‘Whatever you ask I will give you, up to half my kingdom.’

This is yet another fascinating part of the bible which shows the shortcomings of humanity when people try to do their best to keep their promises. The king, Herod, did not want anyone in the public eye to have any hint of power which could be seen to be above he kings power; he wanted to make sure there was nobody who could cause him worries about power or leadership! John had condemned the king wanting to marry his brother’s wife and so Herod had him arrested and placed him in prison.

After some time Herod held a banquet at which he promised the daughter of Herodias anything she wanted up to half of his kingdom! This promise was made for all to hear and the king would have to live up to that promise, or face ridicule. What happened next was a combination of the grudge of one person, the willingness of another and the peer pressure Herod faced…

The young lady, guided by the grudge of Herodias, asked for John’s head on a plate! Herod gave in to peer pressure knowing full well he was in the wrong. We look at acts like this and wonder how people could ever do such horrible things, but the world turns away from such horrors happening all over the world just because it does not directly affect them!

God doesn’t want us to turn our backs on anyone, whether they be our neighbours or some stranger trying to escape a tyrant or a lifestyle which persecutes them. God doesn’t want us to support people who kill in the name of gods or power struggles. God wants us to love our neighbours and pray for our enemies...

Points to Ponder:
How many horrors have you heard on the news today?

Will you try to be different from the world?