Monday 5 Feb 2024

Feb 5: Mark 6:53-56

Key Verse: Mark 6:55
They ran throughout that whole region and carried those who were ill on mats to wherever they heard he was.

When people began to realise Jesus was healing the sick people from all over the regions came often carrying the ill just to be able to have the chance of getting healed. If this was a random chance then maybe not so many people would have come, but these people knew Jesus was not being picky about who He healed and was not reserving the healing for the rich and famous – He was healing anyone who came to Him!

Our modern societies have made an art form of serving the rich and famous; it is the people who have the money and connections who get seen to first and who have the best chance at getting the help they need. The poor and frail are being left behind and ignored. The richer seem to get richer and the poorer get poorer. This is not what Jesus was about!

We have to stand up to make sure people who are most in need get the attention and help they require irrespective of their social standing or the wealth and connections. We need to get things back to the way Jesus was showing people back at the times of the disciples.

This also means we have to be a part of the wheel of help too – we cannot turn our backs on the people who need help. We have to be more like Jesus and reach out to everyone who is in need. We must be willing to help just because they need help and not because they can do something for us or give us a reward!

Points to Ponder:
Do you do things for reward?

Or do you do things because they are needed?