Thursday 8 Feb 2024

Feb 8: 1 Kings 11:4-13

Key Verse: 1 Kings 11:9
The Lord became angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice.

What was your first thought when reading through these verses? Was it a sense of disbelief of how Solomon could turn his back on God even though God had done so much for him and been so close and even direct with him? Or was it a feeling he was only human and what could we expect? I put it to you God is speaking directly to you through those very thoughts!

Solomon had go so involved with the world, his wives, their ways and now was giving in to peer pressure. He had been given great wisdom by God, but he was turning his back on that very wisdom to follow after human traits by trying to please his wives instead of God. I’m not saying we should turn our back on our families, but if our family loves us they will allow us to worship God in full!

God is a jealous God and will not allow us to go off worshipping other gods without something happening. God had promised Solomon things and was going to keep those promises; but he would have to know the things he had done were now going to affect his offspring instead – they would have to face losing the kingdom because of his own actions!

God continues to support us and all the promises He has made to us will always stand; but there will be consequences to all of our actions we do in our lives. For those things we do against Him, we will see the consequences unless we turn back and ask for His forgiveness.

Points to Ponder:
Do you do things which God has said not to?

Will you ask for His forgiveness?