Wednesday 14 Feb 2024

Feb 14: Matthew 6:16-18

Key Verse: Matthew 6:17
But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,

How many times have you competed against someone in an argument and got carried away with the truth, or lack of truth? How many times have you bragged about something and got caught up in describing things as being a bit bigger, better or worse than they really were? We all get carried away some time or another and say things which are not exactly true, where the truth has been stretched a bit…

Jesus was very different in that He always told the truth and said things as they really were without embellishing on any truths – He certainly did not lie! During this section of scripture He is reminding others of their duty to uphold the truth and not get carried away with things just to make yourself look better. This is especially true when conversing wit God because He already knows the truth!

God does not want us to compete against each other for His attention or for His love. He wants us to work together in spreading the truth and love He first showed us. He does not want us to brad to others about how much God means to us or how much we think we mean to God. He loves us all like His children.

When we come to Him in repentance, we should be telling the truth as it is and not trying to hide things in stories or behind the sins of others. God wants us to be honest to Him and to others! His loves for us goes beyond our understanding and He has already allowed His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay for our sin debt already!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you brag about your own things?

How often do you admit the truth?