Tuesday 20 Feb 2024

Feb 20: Matthew 6:7-15

Key Verse: Matthew 6:7
And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

Have you ever asked yourself why you do the things you do? I’m not talking about the little things which you do differently to other people like how you hold you cup when drinking a beverage; I’m talking about things like your work and how you do that. Most of us have hobbies which we can say we do because we like doing them, but not all of us can say we work because that is what we enjoy the most in life!

For things like work we often end up doing work which pays the most or which gives us a guaranteed income with good benefits – we don’t always do it because we like it. So what about our spiritual lives? Do we do things just because we think we are going to please God by doing certain things during certain times of the year?

God is not so fickle as we are. He is not looking for the person who can recite the scripture the best or the person who can shout loudest on the street corners. God is looking for people who give from their hearts to Him and His people. This starts by us getting ourselves right with Him and building a proper relationship with Him.

When Jesus taught the disciples what we now know as the Lord’s Prayer, it was to refocus their prayers and their thoughts on what is important in a relationship with Christ instead of the most eloquent or longest words people can use. Be real and be honest with God as He is with you!

Points to Ponder:
How honest are you with God?

How real is your life with Him?