Friday 1 Mar 2024

March 1: Genesis 37:17-28

Key Verse: Genesis 37:27
Come, let’s sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him; after all, he is our brother, our own flesh and blood.’ His brothers agreed.

The story of Joseph and his ornate coat may not be very well known, but the fact he had an ornate coat is remembered. The truth is told here as his brothers, who were jealous of him for the attention he got from their father, plotted to get rid of him so they could get some attention. At first they had evil thoughts of getting rid of him altogether, but those thoughts mellowed a bit and they decided to sell him to the Ishmaelites instead.

Whatever happened, these brothers knew they were doing wrong and they knew if the truth got out they would not be in a good place. What they had forgotten in their jealousy was God had His eyes on them all the time and would make sure the youngest brother would get all the attention from God!

God was there in their midst protecting Joseph because He knew what could happen if Joseph would be able to continue living even if he was living as a slave. This is the power of God, using a young man destined to be a slave to become a leader and protector of God’s people!

No matter how far we walk away from the path God wants us to walk, He will continue to try and get us to walk the best path He has designed for us. God will use the people around us to try and make sure we get every opportunity to walk this path and will make sure those who do love and serve Him are protected in their walk with Him. Even when mankind sells us to the highest bidder, God is protecting us and guiding us!

Points to Ponder:
Do you listen to God when He talks?

Are you ready to obey God in His design for you?