Friday 7 June 2024

Jun 7: Mark 12:35-37

Key Verse: Mark 12:37
David himself calls him ‘Lord.’ How then can he be his son?” The large crowd listened to him with delight.

Have you noticed Jesus did not always say things which were expected of Him? He would challenge people in what they thought and how they interpreted the Torah. Do you just read the bible and accept it for what it is? Do you read it and think of it as a guide book? Do you read it and think of it as a list of suggestions which may or may not work?

We each have our different ways of looking at the bible and God knows what we think in our hearts. We will come up against people who think differently people who will try to trip us up through the way the words appear in our languages… What we should be doing is thinking about what the words are as they are written down and wondering why they were written the way they were.

The bible is a God-inspired writing from many people all trying to explain what they gained from God. We will often find it difficult to explain exactly what we feel about God’s Word because our lives are different from other’s lives, so we take the words differently as we read them. We relate to things differently based on our experiences.

When I describe a problem I face in my computer job I don’t always look at it the same way as a person who uses the software I write because they are expecting something different… Take time to talk with God and try to understand things from His point of view and not just your way!

Points to Ponder:
How often have you explained something wrong?

How often have you heard something different about your favourite bible verse?