Thursday 13 June 2024

Jun 13: Matthew 5:20-26

Key Verse: Matthew 5:26
Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.

When you put your faith and trust in the judicial and tax systems, you have to put up with the consequences of doing anything wrong within those system. If you step out of line then you will have to pay the consequences according to the laws within those systems. The same can be said for the religious systems around the world…

I’m talking here of the religious rules and regulations and not the personal relationship we can have with Christ. The religions around the world have all manner of rules and regulations, and unless we are willing to stick by those rules and obey every single one of them, we will have to pay the consequences of going against those rules.

When we get to know Christ, however, we can see a whole new light on the way we live with God and with Christ. Jesus came to earth to live amongst us so He would be able to pay the price religion demands. He wanted to take on the punishment in our stead so we would be free to join Him in eternal life. He gave up His own life so we would not have to pay for all the things we have done wrong – this is His mercy and grace!

Religion shows no mercy, just rules and regulations – the same as the laws of the land we live in. People are the ones who show mercy and grace; but none so much as Christ showed to us those many years ago!

Points to Ponder:
Have you broken any rules and regulations lately?

Do you know Christ wants to forgive you for everything you have done against Him?