Thursday 27 June 2024

Jun 27: Matthew 7:21-23

Key Verse: Matthew 7:23
Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

To me, this is one of the scariest passages in the bible where Jesus is telling people there I a difference between true disciples and those who do things for themselves. Jesus wants us to have a personal relationship with God. This means a one-to-one link with God, not through a third party or hiding behind a bunch of miracles or prayers even!

Jesus wants us to be totally open, honest and real with God. This means we should not be hiding the things we do wrong, we should not be doing things to show others we are ‘super Christians’ and we should not be lifting up our ways even if we are saying they are what God is telling us to do.

Jesus did not go round telling people God was commanding Him to do this and that; He simply spoke the truth and told people about this very personal relationship He seemingly had with God the Father in Heaven. If we can show people we too have a personal relationship with God, then what we do should be supporting that and not trying to build up our image for others to see!

Our relationship is between us and God; that alone is what counts. If we do have a good working relationship with Him, then we will listen to His instructions and do them without boasting we are doing God’s work. We are not doing God’s work but instead are obeying what God wants us to do in our lives!

Points to Ponder:
Why do you listen to God?

Why do you obey God?