Monday 1 July 2024

July 1: Matthew 8:18-22

Key Verse: Matthew 8:22
But Jesus told him, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”

I used to get upset by people who would say I was blindly following God because I had no direction in my life, but nowadays I know I have the direction and I know I am still following God. The difference now is I have the confidence to stand up when people say things like that.

There are always going to be people who will try to trip us up by asking us difficult questions – the sort of questions they would not be able to answer honestly: things like “would you take your children first or God first!” I know the answer to that and no matter which way I answer, someone is going to get upset with me; so instead of answering it directly I try to think of a circumstance in their life where they would have a difficult choice to make and pass it back to them. But I would also tell them I know the answer to their question but will defer my answer unless they can make an honest and informed decision to mine.

The reason why I would do that is to show them they need to qualify their question because life is never as simple as their question. There will be times where I would seemingly take one first and times when I would seemingly take the other first – but they would be bound by very different circumstances.

God would never ask us an impossible question. Instead He gives us every chance to make the right choice at the time and will support us in our choice. When we give Him honest answers and call on His name, He will always make sure we can make a good choice and give us the chance to do so!

Points to Ponder:
Do you get bothered by people trying to trick you with questions?

Will you ask God for guidance every time?