Monday 8 July 2024

July 8: Matthew 9:18-26

Key Verse: Matthew 9:22
Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment.

One of the things Jesus wanted the disciples to know was how their own faith could make such a difference. Some people were healed seemingly without Jesus having to do anything; to these people Jesus made sure it was their faith which made all the difference. If we have faith Christ is going to do something, He will make sure our faith is made whole by our prayers being answered.

The synagogue leader came to Jesus knowing He could heal his daughter even though she had physically died. This was the faith this person had in Christ and Jesus wanted to show others this faith was real!

On His way to bring the daughter back to life, a woman only needed to touch his garment for her to be heal – such was her faith that Jesus healed her on the spot.

When we come to Christ with expectant prayer, He is faithful and willing to make sure our prayers are answered. This faith grows faith in others because they see faith being realised and coming to life. The more we expect Jesus to do things, the more He is able to do things because He knows He can count on our faith. God does not miss a trick!

Points to Ponder:
How strong would you say your faith is?

Do you expect Jesus to answer your prayers?