Thursday 11 July 2024

July 11: Matthew 10:7-15

Key Verse: Matthew 10:8
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,[a] drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

When Jesus sent the disciples out into the world, it was with a very specific job, but one with no limits. They were not given a single task to do, to go and be good at, to train for a long time to earn money or anything like that. His instruction was quite simple: Go out into the world and give back to people what you have been given.

Jesus had already told them they had been given eternal life because of what He was going to do. He had already said a way would be made which would enable them to have their sins forgiven and for them to enjoy a life in full communion with God. That is what Jesus wanted the disciple to go and do now. He was making disciples and now He was sending them out to go and make more disciples.

The task was not to go and make money, to go and gain a huge following, to go and be famous; it was to go and give freely what had already been given freely to them!

If we would focus on giving back to our communities what Christ has given to us, we would be able to bring more people freely into a life with Christ. If we focus on the earthly things surrounding all that, then our only gain will be the earthly things we gain. That is not what Jesus wants...

Points to Ponder:
What is your goal in life?

Have you listened to Christ to find out what your goal can be?