Thursday 18 July 2024

July 18: Matthew 11:28-30

Key Verse: Matthew 11:28
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

This is one of my favourite passages in the bible, one which we often forget about during rough and tough times. It is normally only after the event when we can look back on the times we have struggled, the times when we have thought the world was treading all over us, and we can then see how God played a big part in the courser of events when we trusted Him!

I look back at the time when I was in hospital and recount the times with friends and family only to see the despair and torrid time they all went through back then. I knew God was with me and I knew He was going to do what is best and so I left the decision making to Him. When the Doctors came to me and asked if they should go ahead with the operations knowing there was a great change of failure, my choice was always yes, because God had it!

When I look back and see the timing of the events, how the right people were in the right place at the right times; I see God’s hands in ever step of the way. It wasn’t me making a selfish choice but me placing my trust in Christ knowing that if it was His decision to take me home I would be there very soon!

When the world feels like it is breaking up around us, we need to allow God to guide us and keep us; don’t drown in the worries of the world because we can’t change the world, but we can depend on God!

Points to Ponder:
Do you try to change the world around you?

Or do you try to listen to God and simply obey?