Friday 30 Apr 2021

April 30: Isaiah 30:18-21
Key Verse: Isaiah 30:18
Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!
One thing I have learned the hard way is to be a Christian, you have to live like one! This means loving God with all your heart and soul and loving the people around you. God is always going to listen to us, and He will always do what He can to allow us to live the lives He wants us to live. No matter how tough things get, we can always count on God to see us through the troubles and to share everything He can with us – with God, nothing is impossible!
When we grow tired and weary, we need to depend on God more in our lives. When we think we are at the end of our tether, God is waiting to answer more prayers and lift the burdens from us. Don’t worry about God not hearing, because He is with us every step of our lives and listens to and watches everything we do. If we do go through tough times, then we need to listen a bit harder to find out what we should be doing – these instructions may come directly from God, or they may come through others who God has brought into our lives.
The more we are willing to listen and learn from what God says, the more we will be able to live with what comes our way and the more we will know He is watching over us. Whether we are feeling down and out or whether we are feeling on top of the world – if we turn from worldly ways and listen out for God, we will hear His instruction and we will know what to do.
God is constantly trying to show us the way forward, a way which is best for us and those around us. If we are willing to listen and learn, we will have a life which is more blessed!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you talk to God?
How often do you listen to God?