Saturday 7 Nov 2020

November 7: 1 Peter 5:1-4
Key Verse: 1 Peter 5:2
be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them – not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve;
After continuing to hear business leaders in the UK react to the lock-down with shouts of “unfair” and other short words, I was taken back by some church leaders who are reacting in a seemingly worldly manner to the locking down of church buildings. We are all people living in the same country and we are being led by people we have elected to position. Whilst we should make ourselves heard as Christians, we should also be setting an example for others to follow.
God calls us to be leaders in our communities and as leaders we need to encourage people through positive actions and not dismissive or negative actions which undermine society and community. We should not be doing this because we are elected into position or because we think it is our civil duty, but because we want to and are willing to make a difference.
The church is not the building – that is just a place where the church meets. The church is us! We are the church. All of us! Our local church used to meet in a community centre as we have not been able to meet up for a very long time because of this pandemic. But we continue to work together as a church and help out our communities as much as possible.
God has entrusted us with positions within the church to lead. He has made us the way we are so we can help the people where we are. He has led us to this time and this position to make a difference with the people, not the buildings! Love your neighbours and make a difference for them today!
Points to Ponder:
Where do you meet as a church nowadays?
Are you willingly doing what God is asking of you?