Tuesdays 27 Oct 2020

October 27: 1 John 4:4-6
Key Verse: 1 John 4:5
They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them.
After warning us not to believe every spirit, the writer wants us to believe the Holy Spirit because He comes from God! This opens up the suggestion there are other spirits in this world; but that is another message... We do have to be careful whom we listen to because not everyone or everything is in support of our God.
But as the writer confirms, we are from God. Once we invite Jesus into our lives, we are confirmed as being part of His kingdom and His children. From then on, we can listen to the Holy Sprit because He not only indwells us, but wants us to ignore the call from the world. The world is going to shout out to everyone and many people are going to listen to it because they do not know any better. But, as Christians, we are part of God’s extended family and must listen to Him rather than the world.
The evil one has his feet firmly placed on this world and will do many things to try and trick us into listening to him and following his ways. We need to step back from our impulses and try to listen to the quiet voice of the spirit instead of the shouting of the evil one. It may sound very hard when said like that, but we are given a very discerning spirit ourselves which can identify the voice of the Holy Spirit and allow us to listen to the truth...
But many will give in to listen to the loud shouts of the world rather than to separate those loud shouts from the quiet whisper the Lord gives us through the Holy Spirit. It will take a conscious effort on your part to stop and listen to God instead of going with the flow. Stop and listen.
Points to Ponder:
Do you give in to peer pressure?
Will you make a stand with the Holy Spirit?