Friday 22 Dec 2023

December 22: 1 Samuel 1:24-28

Key Verse: 1 Samuel 1:27
I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.

What has the birth of Samuel got to do with Christmas? Well, it’s not the birth but the actions of his mother we are looking at here. This is the same women who was crying in the temple begging God to give her a son and promising she would bring him to the temple to serve with the priests if God allowed her to become pregnant.

God answered Hannah’s prayers and she delivered on her promise to God. This is what we are looking at today. Elizabeth brought up her son to be the one who would prepare the way for Jesus. Mary brought up her son knowing he was the Messiah, and did her best to make sure he was ready for his ministry. Each of these woman had no issue with submitting to God!

I don’t know about you, but I have asked God to do things for me in the past and said I would do my best to remain loyal to Him. I know He has answered my prayers and I know I have done what I can to remain loyal; but I have fallen short because I was not strong enough at certain times. Samuel remained strong. John remained strong. Jesus was the episteme of strength!

We should be more than willing to stand firm and praise God all the time. We should be more than willing to stand by our bibles and continue to share the gospel. Jesus has done so much for us and because of that we should be more than willing to do more for Him. This Christmas why not try and do something to show people you love God & all of His people!

Points to Ponder:
Do you ask things of God?

Is He asking something of you?